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Don;t Panic, ASEC2022 work and ideas for future
Review of Dont Panic guidem. Flow of words, detailed content.
== Attendees ==
John Davies, Simon Wright, Andrew Farncombe, Neil Hunter,
Report from  INCOSE UK Leadership Meeting (Simon).
== Apologies: ==
28 MArch 2922
Mark Womersley,Iain Cardow, Sarvar Ahmad
John Davies, Simon Wright, Andrew Farncombe, Neil Hunter, apologies: Mark Womersley,Iain Cardow, Sarvar Ahmad
Iain and Sarwar had problems accessing Teams from secure networks.  Mark had project meeting.
Iain and Sarwar had problems accessing Teams from secure networks.  Mark had project meeting.
== ASEC22 ==
This had several activities hosted by Simon.
* This had several activities on SSE hosted by Simon. Overall conference was well attended and received
* Tutorial on Service Systems Engineering
** well attended and received.
* Group Poster - supported interest shown by delegates between sessions.
* Launch event of 'Don;t Panic' guide: 
** *error found in printed copies
** event had to be postponed. 
** Names of interested delegastes taken
** INCOSE UK will contact them when correctly printed copies are availablre.
*  INCOSE UK Leadership group meeting,
** only 4 chairs of Working Groups or Interest Group attented
** trend is for Working Groups to go dormant and Interest Groups to take over
** this means groups will become more talking shops and not producing outputs
* Tutorial on Service Systems Engineering: well attended and received.
== Don’t Panic Guide to Service Systems Engineering ==
* Group Poster - Simon created and supported interest shown by delegates between sessions.
*Meet the Author Webinar held on 16 Janusry
*Launch event of 'Don;t Panic' guide:  error found in printed copies so launch had to be postponed. Names of interested delegastes taken asnd INCOSE UK will contact them when correctly printed copies are availablre.  
*Relatively Small attendance - but this has happened owith previous MtA webinars, but found to have replays later.
th * Webinar completely pre-written and with limited participation.
*Jon Holt ran the session and gave massive support to the work and the guide.
* Updates to the guide are expected - Simon will do them and will be approved by John Holt.
* Will also provide naterial for a working group session and a Poster.
== Way forward (Management) ==
Discussed and hope that those not there in person will contribute ideas
Format/work of the group
*Group to meet on-line
*Access to Zoom/Teams/ or other tool to be sorted out, ask Iain to organise for next meeting so more effort to sort this issue may be available.
*To continue as a working Group producing outputs into INCOSE UK.
*To stay small in size but invite/identify further members. (we may get these through comments received on the Guide)
INCOSE UK Keadership group meeting, 
== Possible ideas (Technical) ==
* Simon attended on behalf of gtouip.  Good response to our work.
* Z guide and/or Omiga Guide for SSE
Don’t Panic Guide to Service Systems Engineering
* How to get adoption by individual businesses or companies
* Go ahead for book received from INCOSE UK  
* What is the standard roll out for INCOSE UK Products?
* Simon had produced latest version for comment. 
* Relationship of Guide to SE BoK and other standards
* Good comments received, plus a few suggested improvrmrnte.
* Re;ate to SE Lifecycle - product and/or service
* Simon will do uppdates and send in for INCOSE UK review
* Procurement and Acquisition
* Testing and Evaluation
* Challenge and Evaluation
== Date of next meeting ==
tbd April 2023 10:00 to 11:00.  Ask Iain to arrange and sort out access issues.
Date of next meeting
tbd April 2022 10:00 to 11:00.  Ask Iain to arrange and sort out access issues.

Latest revision as of 13:09, 9 February 2023

Don;t Panic, ASEC2022 work and ideas for future


[edit] Attendees

John Davies, Simon Wright, Andrew Farncombe, Neil Hunter,

[edit] Apologies:

Mark Womersley,Iain Cardow, Sarvar Ahmad

Iain and Sarwar had problems accessing Teams from secure networks. Mark had project meeting.

[edit] ASEC22

  • This had several activities on SSE hosted by Simon. Overall conference was well attended and received
  • Tutorial on Service Systems Engineering
    • well attended and received.
  • Group Poster - supported interest shown by delegates between sessions.
  • Launch event of 'Don;t Panic' guide:
    • *error found in printed copies
    • event had to be postponed.
    • Names of interested delegastes taken
    • INCOSE UK will contact them when correctly printed copies are availablre.
  • INCOSE UK Leadership group meeting,
    • only 4 chairs of Working Groups or Interest Group attented
    • trend is for Working Groups to go dormant and Interest Groups to take over
    • this means groups will become more talking shops and not producing outputs

[edit] Don’t Panic Guide to Service Systems Engineering

  • Meet the Author Webinar held on 16 Janusry
  • Relatively Small attendance - but this has happened owith previous MtA webinars, but found to have replays later.

th * Webinar completely pre-written and with limited participation.

  • Jon Holt ran the session and gave massive support to the work and the guide.
  • Updates to the guide are expected - Simon will do them and will be approved by John Holt.

[edit] Way forward (Management)

Discussed and hope that those not there in person will contribute ideas Format/work of the group

  • Group to meet on-line
  • Access to Zoom/Teams/ or other tool to be sorted out, ask Iain to organise for next meeting so more effort to sort this issue may be available.
  • To continue as a working Group producing outputs into INCOSE UK.
  • To stay small in size but invite/identify further members. (we may get these through comments received on the Guide)

[edit] Possible ideas (Technical)

  • Z guide and/or Omiga Guide for SSE
  • How to get adoption by individual businesses or companies
  • What is the standard roll out for INCOSE UK Products?
  • Relationship of Guide to SE BoK and other standards
  • Re;ate to SE Lifecycle - product and/or service
  • Procurement and Acquisition
  • Testing and Evaluation
  • Challenge and Evaluation

[edit] Date of next meeting

tbd April 2023 10:00 to 11:00. Ask Iain to arrange and sort out access issues.

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