SSE Meeting 51
From Service Systems Engineering Group Wiki
Revision as of 08:58, 24 June 2023 by Prof John Davies (Talk | contribs)
discussion for further work and how to find them
Contents |
John Davies, Simon Wright, Andrew Farncombe, Iain Cardow, Sarvar Ahmad
Mark Womersley, apologised
Membership and Organisation
- There are currently around 60 people in thev group of which 6 attend virtual meetings
- We need a way of involving them and benefit from their ideas and knowledge.
- The current organisation WAS agreed:
- Chair John Davies
- Co-Chair Iain Cardow: Andrew Farncombe
- Core Tean Members: Sarwar Arhmad, Work Wormsley
Ways forward
== Don;t Panic Guide ==
Comments received via INCOSE UK will go to Simon
- Mark will compare with standard texts such as the IINCOSE Handbook (Verso 5 is due out in july
Poll our SSE members
on what they want from the SSE group (Simon)
- SSE SysML, MoDAF etc.
- Understand and document the relationships between SSE/Guide with Architectural Frameworks (such as SoSaf, Togaf, and and graphical Languages
- Note from Sarwar,
Z Guide and/or Omiga Guide
- Consider producing a free-bee guide for SSE based on the Don't Panic Guide to enable discussion with SSE Group members and others
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