SSE Meeting 11

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INCOSE UK Service Systems Engineering Meeting 8 September 2014

Held at QinetiQ, London.



Steve Ashlin, Iain Cardlow (by phone), Andrew Farncombe, John Davies, Alan Crawford

Issues with Changes to Services

Service Lifecycle Issues

Review of applicability of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook to Services

Version 3.2 has been reviewed for its content with respect to Service Systems Engineering. The term 'Service Systems Engineering' does not appear within the document, and there are no sections specifically dealing with Services. However the term 'products and services' appears in many places in particular as the outputs of the Systems Engineering process.

Version 4 is in preparation and planned to be released in May 2015. It is understood that the main changes are to provide better alignment with ISO/IEC 15288.

Work Plan

The current state of work against the plan was reviewed. Steve A has updated the plan and supporting set of slides to cover the work being progressed.

Development of Use Cases

Management of Test Ranges


This has been moved to the agreed template with the MoD Lines of Development (TEPIDOIL) used to describe the Enterprise

Electric Car Rental


Provision of Services for Film Post Production


UK Government 'Digital Market Place'

ASEC14 Poster

Steve and Andrew are going to the conference and will field questions about the Working Group.

All Working Groups are producing a Poster to a fixed format. Steve, Andrew and John will produce the Poster by 7 November, based on exxisting work.

Work of core group members

For the next meeting following will be looked at/developed:

  • Steve A: Use Case for specific trails
  • Peter M: Procurement use case
  • Rachel F: Energy efficiency Use Case
  • Iain C: Engine provision Use Case
  • John D: Electric Car Rental Use Case
  • Andrew F: Review INCOSE Handbook - distribute notes
  • Alan C: Review existing material

Date for next meeting:

12 January 2015 – Bristol - University or Rolls-Royce

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