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From Service Systems Engineering Group Wiki
Revision as of 08:10, 19 May 2023 by Prof John Davies (Talk | contribs)
Contents |
- SSE_Meeting_1 31 May 2013, Reading: Think Pieces and Breakout Sessions
- SSE_Meeting_2 15 July 2013, Basingstoke: Ideas for Work Items and Initial Plan
- SSE_Meeting_3 9 September 2013, Phone-in: Progressing ideas on Use Cases and Characterisation
- SSE_Meeting_4 3 October 2013, Farnborough: Review of Use Cases and Plan for ASEC
- SSE_Meeting_5 27 November 2013, UCL, London: Review data from ASEC, issues and way forward.
- SSE_Meeting_6 16 January 2014, Phone-in: Review of Actions and on-going work.
- SSE_Meeting_7 17 March 2014, QinetiQ, London: run through current work, note SeBOK content, more ideas, develop plan.
- SSE_Meeting_8 19 May 2014, University of Bristol: Revision of the Work Plan, Review of Cambridge Service Alliance outputs.
- SSE_Meeting_9 21 July 2014, QinetiQ, London: Use Cases, Format of Outputs, Sources of Information.
- SSE_Meeting_10 8 September 2014, Rolls Royce, Filton, Bristol: Boundary of interest for SSE WG, Use Cases and Template.
- SSE_Meeting_11 3 November 2014, QinetiQ, London: Presentation of more Use Cases, Poster for ASEC2014.
- SSE_Meeting_12 23 January 2015, Rolls Royce, Filton, Bristol: Ideas for Further Use Cases, Revised Plan, Definitions.
- SSE_Meeting_13 23 March 2015, QinetiQ, London: World Views, Stakeholder Analysis, Literature & Definitions update, Possible Papers
- SSE_Meeting_14 11 May 2015, QinetiQ, Farnborough; Progress against Plan, Literature Review, Service Definitions, Service Map, Publication.
- SSE_Meeting_15 12 August 2015, Phone-in to review comments on ASEC Paper and general progress.
- SSE_Meeting_16 28 September 2015, QinetiQ, Farnborough ASEC Paper adjustments, Presentation and Poster.
- SSE_Meeting_17 13 October 2015, Phone-in to review ASEC Presentation.
- SSE_Meeting_18 11 January 2016, QinetiQ, Farnborough; Review of discussions at ASEC2015, ways to move forward
- SSE_Meeting_19 7 March 2016, QinetiQ, Farnborough; Review of IS2015 paper. Feed-back from Bristol Local Meeting
- SSE_Meeting_20 6 June 2016, Rolls Royce, Filton, Bristol: Review of applying approach to Case Studies
- SSE_Meeting_21 19 September 2016, Rolls Royce, Filton, Bristol: Poster and Working Group for ASEC2016
- SSE_Meeting_22 21 November 2016, Babcock, Keynsham: Ideas from ASEC2016. Further develop Case Study conclusions.
- SSE_Meeting_23 23 January 2017, Babcock, Keynsham: Competencies needed for Service Systems Engineers. Stakeholders for Services and how they relate to Artefacts of Services.
- SSE_Meeting_24 27 March 2017, Babcock, Keynsham: Review of possible Healthcare case studies. Worked example of Service to maintain military equipment.
- SSE_Meeting_25 6 June 2017, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: Comparison of various examples of Services: SSE Group publications, MODAF and Maintenance, Support and Training of military equipment.
- SSE_Meeting_26 12 September 2017, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: Workshop for ASEC2017. Fitting Services Systems Engineering into standard handbooks. Possible contents list for a Guide to Service Systems Engineering.
- SSE_Meeting_27 11 December 2017, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: Feedback from ASEC2017, Service Lifecycle Stages, Service Improvement Plan.
- SSE_Meeting_28 26 February 2018,Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: review of Straw-man Guidance Document
- SSE_Meeting_29 30 April 2018,Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: Ideas linking SE methods used for analysing Services and Systems
- SSE_Meeting_30 22 May 2018,Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: Planning for ASEC2028 paper on Analysing Service and Systems aspects
- SSE_Meeting_31 16 July 2018, Babcock, Keynsham, Bristol: Service/Product importance and interaction. testing ideas against other Case Studies. Means for publishing our outputs.
- SSE_Meeting_32 24 September 2018, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol: Different Services/Different Techniques. Considering MoDaF as an example Architecture we could modify. Start of lifecycle - using Services to make money.
- SSE_Meeting_33 10 December 2018, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol:Start of lifecycle - Using Services to make money.
- SSE_Meeting_34 18 February 2019, 10-30 to 14-30, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol - ASEC 2018 feedback, published paper, poster, workshop. potential use of MBSE, draft lifecycles.
- SSE_Meeting_35 29 April 2019, 10-30 to 14-30, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol - Actions from INCOSE UK Group Chairman's Meeting, start understanding of MBSE and Architecture Framework and how it can apply to Services.
- SSE_Meeting_36 23rd September 2019, 10-30 to 14-30, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol. Identifying SSE links to MBSE Draft and review of Poster for ASEC2019.
- SSE_Meeting_37 25th November 2019, 10-30 to 14-30, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol. Feedback from ASEC2019. How can Services be understood and fitted into MBSE?
- SSE_Meeting_38 3rd February 2020, 10-30 to 14-30, Rolls-Royce, Filton, Bristol. Moving to new INCOSE UK web-site. Understanding MBSE and how Services can be in fitted into MBSE.
- SSE_Meeting_39 2nd November 2020, 14-00 to 15-30, by Webex. Working arrangements, Ways of presenting findings, look at MBSE.
- SSE_Meeting_40 1st February 2021, 14-00 to 15-30, by Webex. Feedback from Joint meeting, ways of presenting findings. Look at MBSE/SYSML
- SSE_Meeting_41 10th May 2021, 14-00 to 15-30, by Microsoft Teams. Use of Roles and Actors within SysML Can we relate Service Definition Model to Archimate? Feedback from Joint meeting.
- SSE_Meeting_42 2nd August 2021, 09=00 to 12-00, by Microsoft Teams. Use of Roles and Actors comparing SysML and NAF with Togaf and Archimate Can we relate Service Definition Model to Archimate?
- SSE_Meeting_43 4 October 2021, 09=00 to 12-00, by Microsoft Teams. Awareness of 'Don't Panic' Guides for Architecture and Capability. Review of content of ASEC2011. Found two talks were of interestedm but did not provide enough new work to justify the cost in terms of time sand money.
- SSE_Meeting_44 1 November 2021, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. Review of Strawman for Z guide sized guidance document, similar to the Dont Panc Guides. Decisionto produce a Strawman for a longer document Awareness of 'Don't Panic' Guides for Architecture and Capability. Attenance at ASEC2011, provision of Group Poster and atendence at the Chairs Meeting.
- SSE_Meeting_45 6 DecJanuary 2022ember 2021, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. RReport on ASEC2011, General, Group Poster,
- SSE_Meeting_46 14 February 2022, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. Drafting of 'Don't Panic' Guide* General direction and content, review of written comments and discussion.atendence at the Chairs Meeting. Drafting of 'Don't Panic' Guides
- SSE_Meeting_47 20 March 2022, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. Review of work since last meeting on 'Don't Panic' Guide* General direction and content, review of written comments and discussion.
- SSE_Meeting_48 23 May 2022, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. Review of 'Don't Panic' Guide* flow of sections and content
- SSE_Meeting_49 8 February 2023, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. Review of ASEC22, Issues of 'Don't Panic' Guide* future of Group
- SSE_Meeting_50 26 April 2023, 10+00 to 11+00, by Microsoft Teams. Future of Group Organisation and Technical Ideas for the way forward.
Next Meeting
- Working Team Meeting: 21 June 2023. Iain Cardow to organise.
Ideas that have been shelved but my provide topics for future work.
Kist of ideas from previous work
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